copyright 2001 Maggie Lanoue art used by permission

War On Terrorism or War On Humanity?

The Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and other intelligence organizations have stated publicly that our invasion of Afghanistan and possible attacks on other nations, like Iraq, will lead to a "100% chance" that states throughout North America will be targets of terrorism. While Bush Jr. may say that he "will root out terrorism," why does he take actions that will create more vicious and fervent anti-American sentiment abroad that will undoubtedly cause more terrorist assaults? While there are almost infinite possibilities, a very plausible one is the federal government's war against the Treaty of Rome that would create the International Court.

The International Court was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1998 and signed by 139 countries, including the Washington. 43 of the 139 signatories have ratified the Treaty already and it only needs 17 more to go into effect. This International Court, based in The Hague, Netherlands, will be an independent judicial body that prosecutes International Crimes like war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. This permanent International Court would replace the United Nation's, Security Council controlled, temporary tribunals that only serves justice to the victors, not for the International Community. The 18 judges and prosecutor of the International Court would be elected by participating governments and would not be restricted by the United Nations or individual states on whom, when and what kind of International Crimes they can and cannot investigate. The International Court would only be able to prosecute when nations are unable or unwilling to prosecute the violators themselves. This might occur if the violator is a high ranking official of the government. Certainly, a major achievement for the International Jurists, Human Rights lawyers and advocates toward world justice and peace. Yet, Washington wishes to unilaterally destroy the prospects of International Justice in order to protect the reign of terror the courts were created to stop.

Washington has been against the International Community's attempts of creating the courts, much like the refusal to protect the environment with the Kyoto Accords or to fight racism at the South African Racism Conference. In fact, Washington voted against 120 nations approval of the Treaty of Rome, yet Clinton signed it anyway as a gesture that Washington isn't in opposition to the International Community when it comes to creating international stability. Ever since, Washington has sought ways of sabotaging the Treaty of Rome.

Why would Washington seek to destroy an organization that would protect justice worldwide? The answer is quite simple. Washington, the leader of the lone superpower, fears that the creation of an independent body of justice would end their ability to terrorize nations like Panama, Nicaragua, Chile, Vietnam, East Timor, Angola, Cambodia, Somalia, Kosovo, Iraq and the ability to support tyrannical and oppressive dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt and maintain world domination. In short, Washington would become vulnerable for their participation in committing criminal acts.

Washington fears that the International Court would prosecute pro-Washington war criminals like General Pinochet, soldiers in My Lai that committed war crimes and Washington officials, like Henry Kissinger, who have ordered assassinations of leaders and the murder of entire populations for their own self-interest.

Washington has made many efforts to dismantle the International Courts. Bush Jr. has had his lawyers looking for ways to "unsign" the treaty, but failed. Now, they are considering a worldwide campaign to "un-ratify" the Treaty of Rome. On September 10th, the Washington Senate passed a bill banning negotiations and funding for the International Courts. Jesse Helms is currently trying to pass a bill that would not allow the President to work with the International Courts in any way, shape or form. This bill would also forbid Washington's military to participate in United Nation's peacekeeping operations unless given immunity from the International Courts, meaning the right to commit criminal acts at will. On top of that, it prevents all agencies of Washington from working with the Court and denies military aid to nations who ratify the Treaty of Rome, unless they are a member of the Washington controlled NATO military structure. The most notorious power this bill provides is it authorizes the President to use the Marines to invade the Netherlands if a Washington official or soldier is accused of a war crime. These actions might lead one to ask, "what kind of skeletons is Washington trying to hide in their closet?" There is not doubt that Washington is using the opportunity that the terrorist attack presents to unilaterally de-legitimize the International Court by calling it an "act of war" instead of what the rest of the world is calling it; a "Crime Against Humanity."

It is very obvious that a "Crime Against Humanity" was committed with the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. A Crime Against Humanity is defined as a "widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack." If Washington were seeking justice they would be more interested in collecting evidence, seeking those proven to be involved and prosecuting them before a court of law just like any other murder trial. Instead, Washington insists on attacking one of the poorest nations on earth and "accidentally" bombing several civilian neighborhoods, the Red Cross, starving millions of Afghani people and dropping "humanitarian" aid on mine fields. Actions that could be considered violations of War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.

Whether it is by flying a plane into a building or dropping bombs with military jets, many civilians have been murdered and affected by these acts of terror where the death toll that could reach into the millions and possibly go on for many years. Until the desire of controlling foreign populations is eliminated, terrorism will thrive.

Contact Washington and tell them that you do not wish to fight terror with terror or to destroy the International Court at the addresses below:

SENATORS in Washington


Dick and his little buddy George Jr. can be reached at these address. While you are at it, write to their wives as well:



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Last Modified: 11.1.2001